How Plantar Fasciitis Affects Your Feet

Your podiatrist in Campbell, CA, can help you get relief from plantar fasciitis pain
Plantar fasciitis is a common and painful foot condition. It’s also a problem your podiatrist can treat. Dr. Douglas Robinson in Campbell, CA, offers comprehensive foot care services, including treatment for plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis is caused when the thick band of tissue, known as the plantar fascia, becomes inflamed. The plantar fascia runs across your heel and up the side of your foot, so one of the main symptoms of plantar fasciitis is heel pain, which can be severe. You may notice the pain increasing when you first stand up in the morning after sleeping, or when you stand from a seated position.

One of the main reasons for developing plantar fasciitis is if you overpronate, or roll your foot when you walk. It’s also a common condition among joggers, runners, or anyone who experiences high stress to their feet. You may also be at higher risk of developing plantar fasciitis if you:

  • Have flat feet
  • Are between 40 and 60 years old
  • Are overweight or obese
  • Walk or stand on hard surfaces for an extended period of time

There are a few simple home remedies that may help ease plantar fasciitis pain. You can try:

  • Doing gentle arch stretches daily
  • Applying ice on your heel several times daily
  • Taking over-the-counter pain or anti-inflammatory medication
  • Replacing old, worn-out shoes with more supportive shoes

Remember to avoid going barefoot.

Your podiatrist can help you get relief from moderate to severe plantar fasciitis pain. Common professional treatments include:

  • Wearing custom-fit orthotics
  • Physical therapy including stretches
  • Prescription anti-inflammatory medication
  • Steroid injections around your heel

You don’t have to get sidelined by plantar fasciitis when help is just a phone call away. To find out more about how plantar fasciitis affects your feet and how your podiatrist can help, call Dr. Douglas Robinson in Campbell, CA, at (408) 370-3338. Call today!